

The Bill of Rights and the organizations that protect them for you. FB means Facebook

BestLINKS US: the Constitution, Bill of Rights, ACLU, dealing with police

Four Freedoms
Major Speech by Pres Roosevelt

Norman Rockwell, Artist
Norman Rockwell Museum  FB
Roosevelt was a liberal. And Lincoln. And Obama. The Founding Fathers.

And so many more! Don't get confused.

What is a Libtard?  
You probably are too, no matter how you vote!

The Bill of Rights
Wikipedia: the rights

Study how they were created 
Bill of Rights for Young People

Constitution Society

Read about its history.
Reference: Answers on the Rights

American Civil Liberties Union

Patriotic lawyers defending the Constitution and supported by Democrats (why not Republicans?)

Southern Poverty 
Law Center  FB

Racism in America reporting center

Serious site on Federal Govt;
Many links to be found here.

Flex Your Rights
The Tee Shirts  The Video

Center for Constitutional Rights  FB 
Watchdog group

Surviving a Police Stop
What to do when you get pulled over. First, show your hands and be nice!

CATO Institute's Constitutional and Policing
Key in any topic, like Police, Policing to

What's on your mind?
Progressive pages for your feedback on issues.
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