What is a "liberal", really?
...or shall we just take right wing radio's word for it?
Liberalism existed long before Rush Limbaugh and Ronald Reagan. In fact, progressive change on this planet has happened despite people like those who have wanted to keep things pretty much like they are.
Video: Why is 'liberal' a bad word? - Fm West Wing
From Season Seven: West Wing, "The Debate Episode")
Presidential candidates Matt Santos and Arnold Vinick squared off in a campaign debate. Forrest Sawyer was the moderator. In a first for NBC's award-winning series, NBC broadcast the live West Wing episode featuring the fictionalized debate between presidential candidates Congressman Matt Santos (Jimmy Smits) and Senator Arnold Vinick (Alan Alda).
Here are some links to help you get past the media name-calling and see what's right about it. You may decide you're more liberal than you thought! Especially if you hang around only conservatives and watch too much Fox News!
Wikipedia defines today's US Liberalism
Wikipedia defines today's US Conservatism
The Google Dictionary Definition of Liberalism
What is Communism vs Socialism?
What is American Social Capitalism?
Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting
What's the difference between left and right?
Democrats are about PEOPLE, Republicans about PROPERTY.
Wikipedia defines today's US Liberalism
Wikipedia defines today's US Conservatism
The Google Dictionary Definition of Liberalism
What is Communism vs Socialism?
What is American Social Capitalism?
Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting
What's the difference between left and right?
Democrats are about PEOPLE, Republicans about PROPERTY.
Which of those is more important to YOU?
Genuine freedom includes two components:
Freedom TO...
and Freedom FROM...
LIBERTARIAN (conservative) ideology only recognizes the "Freedom TO" --which is why it's inadequate. The two often come into conflict.
- Like smoking. Smokers' freedom to smoke in public conflicts with non-smokers' freedom from harm (cancer, etc.). Society initially supported the former but as evidence of harm mounted, shifted to the latter and we see more places where public smoking is outlawed.
- Or like the environment. A company's freedom to pollute conflicts with citizens' freedom from harm (in various forms, including cancer and global warming). We've addressed this issue only recently in an adequate way.
Role of Government:
to protect citizens from the greed of the FREE MARKET.
Why? Free Markets alone can only support "freedom TO." but it takes government regulation to support "freedom FROM."
Ben Stein: "Oh My!" |
Free market Republicans break out into hives when they're told they're not free to do anything they want!
That's why the liberal belief about freedom is much more powerful -- and ultimately beneficial to society than the anything-goes libertarian theory of freedom TO do whatever they want no matter how it impacts everyone!
The Bill of Rights
To protect the individual from the tyranny of the group
That's why the liberal belief about freedom is much more powerful -- and ultimately beneficial to society than the anything-goes libertarian theory of freedom TO do whatever they want no matter how it impacts everyone!
Libertarianism = the greatest good for the rich & well-connected
Liberalism = the greatest good for the greatest number"
The Bill of Rights
To protect the individual from the tyranny of the group
The ACLU defends the US Constitution--which protects YOU from the rule of the mob and heavy-handed government!
Despite what the Republican propagandists say about their own liberty, the ACLU protects your liberties too. No one else is left but the courts to do so.
You should wonder why only LIBERALS support the ACLU!
Click here to ACLU's MAIN Website
to find out what the ACLU's volunteer lawyers REALLY do-- instead of what the right claims they do!