Conservative Links

BestLinks US Conservative Opinion on Facebook, web, and x-Twitter pages

Conservative Sites

This page is an alphabetical list of all conservative web pages, Facebook and Twitter/X links which are right leaning and popular.  Youll need to join Facebook if you want to reach the millions who read up on important issues, especially both sides!  The home page is

(Tiny Camera icon allows you to upload MEMES. Sites without the camera icon do not allow you to upload graphics but most sites allow you to upload URL Links that include graphic memes)   Here's where you reach Conservatives...well, all except the cultist MAGAts who ignore everything but these sites.) 

Jay Sekulow, Constitutional counsel

The ACLJ's FB page
 Jewish Amer Center for Law and Justice 

Americans for Prosperity  

Many states have their own well funded sitesKoch Brothers funded
Americans for Tax Reform   FB
Koch Brothers funded
Koch Brothers funded
AEI American Enterprise Institute  FB  

American Thinker  

Analyzing America  FB  
Denver guy also owns Young Conservatives

Blasting News
  Robert Sobel rewrites other sites  No FB

  Glenn Beck  FB📷👈
Beck is a conservative commentator, author and media personality
The Blaze  FB  ðŸ‘ˆ

Breitbart  FB
👎 ðŸ“·
  Well connected, leaning Alt Right

Dau of VP Dick Cheney, outspoken critic, Conservative but anti-trump no longer a darling of the MAGA folks for chairing impeachment investigation

Koch Brothers Libertarian views

  FB  Conservative Political Action Conf  web
CPAC Conservative Political Action Conf  FB

CNS News     FB
Strong right leaning Political and Religious news, Media TruthChecker

Leadership Fund 

Spends many millions on deceptive TV commercials on tight races to keep Senate Republicans in power
The Conservative News FB ðŸ“·ðŸ‘Ž
Active site but solidly libertarian. Reposts DailyWire frequently

Another right leaning News organization publishing news of interest to Conservatives

  Council on Foreign Relations  FB

Longtime Conservative views, Owns The Heritage Foundation

Sen Ted Cruz  R-TX  FB 
    Activist, Trumpster, expert demagogue

The Daily Caller FB

Pretty radical and zealous

Daily Signal  FB
Owned by the Heritage Foundation

 Dailywire  FB  ðŸ‘ˆ ðŸ“·
Right-leaning but newsy - a good read
Ben Shapiro Editor 

The Dispatch    ðŸ‘ˆðŸ‘ˆ
   Subscription Conservative News and Comment
CENTER-Right more mainstream, less MAGA reporting

  Imaginative graphic news page No FB or Twitter
Drudge Report   FB  ðŸ‘ˆðŸ“·
Matt Drudge has built a very popular link site covering most
major political stories but his headlines clearly lean right.
His is a must read link

The Epoch Times    FB

Wide ranging International tabloid with a Chinese, a right leaning interest,  but little respect for truth. Their writing style is clearly designed to agitate readers who apparently like to be agitated.
eHeadlines   FB ðŸ“·
  totally partisan reporting

Faith based, maybe a way around organized religion fm paying taxes.

  ðŸ‘ˆFederalist Society  FB
Conservative Legal Think Tank
recommending US judges

The Federalist Papers   FB
Fee based intellectual conservative views that make and comply with conservative principles.  Too bad just now they're just shilling for the MAGA hijackers rather than helping the GOP refind it's way.

Foreign Affairs  FB
Longtime magazine published by CFR Council of Foreign affairs, an institutional look at US and global affairs. A fee based good, mostly balanced read.

Established website

FOX The Five   FB📷
Anti-liberal discussion group but tolerant on the FB page unlike Fox itself.

The Free Press

New Center right authors, calling itself "Honest, Independent, Fearless"
Gateway Pundit  FB  ðŸ‘ŽðŸ“·
Racist blog of fake news with a sprinkling of agitation.

  Trumpster activist Us Rep Georgia who likes to hear her political agitation.

Media coverage comparisons story counts Excellent
subscription svc major link service Premium $30 yr

Gun Owners of America
Large organization, like NRA

Heartland Institute 
Individual Liberties Free Markets

Well read, libertarian Koch Brothers, fee based, many sponsors including former Trump administration staff

 The Hill   FB👈
Popular political site, well read in Washington!

The Hoover Institution  FB ðŸ“· 
Conservative, intellectual views; a good read
Hot Air 
📷  FB
Ed Morrissey, Jazz Shaw, John Sexton, part of Salem Radio.

House Freedom Caucus  FB

Hugh Hewitt  FB  ðŸ“·ðŸ‘ˆ
MSNBC & Salem Radio Conservative radio host

   Conservative painter - artist

Judicial Watch   FB📷
JW files lawsuits primarily targeted Democrats including Biden. 
They also described climate science as "fraud science".  Oddly enough, their slogan is "No One Is Above the Law."

Karl Rove    FB

Ex Clinton, then Bush adviser, frequent Fox guest and pundit.

Now on Fox, this outspoken pro Trump talk show host has been removed from Facebook.  His writing style is clearly designed to agitate readers who apparently like to be agitated.

Speaker of the House
Rep Mike Johnson  FB  ðŸ“·
Speaker of the House; Trump supporting 2023 Speaker, an avowed Christian Fundamentalist.

Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY)  FB 
US Senate Republican Majority Leader until Jan 20, 2021;  Seen as the leading Republican obstructionist, he won Nov3rd reelection in Kentucky and then became but may likely become Minority leader since two Georgia Senate democrats won election on Jan 12, 2021.

Trump Counselor.  SPLC says :  Stephen Miller is credited with shaping the racist and draconian immigration policies of President Trump, which include the zero-tolerance policy, also known as family separation, the Muslim ban and ending the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.

National Review   FB ðŸ‘ˆ
   Conservative essay magazine--a good read


National Rifle Association - Gun lobby

NewsMax    FB ðŸ“·
Major competition to fox TV
 NewsMax Politics                       
Another good Read

NewsBusters FB  Media Research Center
Right leaning think site

Sen. Ron Paul (R-KY)   FB
For Peace and Prosperity 

 Politico   FB   ðŸ‘ˆ
well read and connected, right leaning, breaks news

STATES Politics Generally Non partisan

by the Heritage Foundation
Member list and Founding Objectives for America

Qpolitical web news

Rasmussen     FB

A mostly right leaning pollster often quoted by Fox

State Policy Network

Reason   FB
  Free Minds and Free Markets, Libertarian views
Anti government think group and news

Red State  FB📷

Subscriber site    FB page removed  See Story

Rush Limbaugh    FB ðŸ‘ˆ

  Father of Conservative Talk Radio, died in 2021

Right leaning like the Dan Bongino Show
 with entertainment sites

Sarah Palin  FB ðŸ‘Ž  No website
Unsuccessful Republican VP candidate 2008

Tea Party Express No FB
  (A profit site)  Their time has passed.
Tea Party Patriots  FB
For profit site

Town Hall   FB ðŸ“·
  Divisive and one-sided  Salem Webnet

    SUSPENDED but may be back
Real Donald Trump   FB
                                   SUSPENDED but may be back
Donald Trump Jr   FB 

Trump Sr was defeated by Joe Biden on Nov 3rd 2020 and did not receive enough votes in the Electoral College.   Without evidence, he claims victory and that the election was a fraud.

    National Conservative business voice to Congress; Chambers are in most cities
No twitter
Government & Public Integrity

Weekly Standard  FB ðŸ“·ðŸ‘ˆ
   Think magazine; a good read  
 Weekly Standard Personal- Bill Kristol  
Essay magazine, non Trumper Conservative

 Western Journal  FB👎 

The namesake and founding site publication
           Well read, major political sight for righ win g    

Major right wing Facebook & radio partner group.
Founded 2014 after morphing from Western Journalism. 
Many readers under the following sites, some of which 
are owned by Liftable.

     (Click to reveal these propagandists).
       Liftable's major propaganda subscribers:

          The Tea Party  FB👈👎
          USA* Radio  (Trending Today Net)
          Liftable   FB 
              Heart warming news stories, skews older ages
             Mostly appealing to Republican interests
           3 Pct Nation

WND    FB ðŸ“·
 World Net Daily very conservative

Young Cons   FB ðŸ“·ðŸ‘Ž
Young Conservatives

Other News & Political Links

  Mainstream Links
Mostly non-partisan news analysis

National News TV and Cable networks

  Democrats, liberal issues, democracy.  See the news and opinion that conservative pages don't report.

 Conservative Links

(These sites) Trump, Republicans, right leaning opinion sites.  See the news and opinion that progressive pages don't report.

 Extreme Links      Fact-Checking

       Alternative, radical American thinking        Journalism Truthcheckers

- Many Links.  Complete political and economic definitions
  like Socialism, Capitalism, Communism
 and many more from

Political ACTIVISM

This is an important election on November 5th... some call it ROEvember 5th.   Here is a list of well over a hundred links (News, Progressive, and Conservative web, facebook and Twitter pages wher eyou can keep up on this critical election that has our very democracy at risk.   Just read, or participate in these groups.   This is a rare and comprehensive list and if you want to help your nation, make good use of it.

Click this link to see the 
BOOKMARK/FAVORITES file, which you can import into your browser program or just open this bookmark file in your browser and PRESS the SMALL STAR on the address line to save it in your favorites.   It will not disturb other favorites you have already created.   You may wish to copy this link on your OWN Facebook page to share it with your activist friends.

    Write public comments / contributions of other conservative links here:

      BestLinksUS on X/Twitter
     FB   BestLinksUS on Facebook operated by a retired NBC affiliate news broadcaster, who will not publish any suggestions, comments, or exchange identifiable between you and this webmaster.