Fixing Marriage

Marriage tips including fixing them

This page offers advice and help how couples can work to strengthen their marriages including handling disagreements, and working to fix them after the newlywed glow wears off.   One think you might want to consider.  When getting marital advice from someone, seek people who have done it SUCCESSFULLY, not those whose relationships failed.

BestLINKS US: Fixing marriage links and tips on love, forgiveness/> <meta name="Description" content="Tips on fixing marriages, learning better communications, forgiveness, healthy touching and how to find marital counseling to avoid divorce."/>

Fixing Relationships

10 Reasons Why Long Term Marriages Fail
Is this YOUR list or also your SPOUSE's List? This is worth talking about to see if i.'ts BOTH of your lists so now that you know, you can fix that!

Getting Along

Parenting and Kids Raising them well

Struggling with Forgiveness

Healthy vs Unhealthy Relationships

From Lifehack

Healthy-Unhealthy Checklist

About Unconditional Love

From Mind & Body
7 Signs of a Co-dependent Relationship
From Mind & Body

Being a good dad
Marriage Help 
Google search to save your marriage

Does your partner love you, or love you NOT?

People don't express or appreciate LOVE in the same ways. Some are "touchy people." Some give of their time, or give gifts. Or become loving helpers. You can appreciate love from any of the five "Love Languages"
  • Words of Affirmation 
  • Acts of Service 
  • Receiving Gifts 
  • Quality Time 
  • Physical Touch

Your Secret Desires

 Click here to take the test to see your secret desires from your spouse and your spouses from you! Not what you have...but what you long to have.  Author's website. More on parenting and Love Languages

Getting Help

Check this CNN article if you wonder that it's time for 
marital counseling to save your partnership and family.

Web MD
Web MD's take on The 5 Languages of Love
and other topics on sex and love relationships

4 Things that Kill a Marriage -Time Magazine

Couples Counseling
When it's time to get counseling
How it works, what to talk about, even if by yourself!

A list to print out
Are you an abusive narcissist or the co-dependent partner? Whether you are or not, here's a list of healthy versus unhealthy relationships to work on for a better partnership.