Liftable Media
(Main Website)
A Facebook & Radio Partner group based out of Phoenix.
Liftable's flowery values and mission statement misleads you of its true purpose, based on most of its published articles and rants. Founded 2014 after morphing from the conservative "Western Journalism". WJ was founded in 2008. It's now been rebranded to "Western Journal" in 2017 which is good. It's not 'journalism' at all. It's partisan propaganda disguised as news. Just like Fox "News".
Except for one truly positive web site named "Liftable", this FB company claims 'truth', and "positive cultural change".
But in practice, it runs a propaganda mill with distractions appealing to an arch-conservative, libertarian, pro-Trumpster audience. Like Fox is as a pseudo TV news channel, Liftable internet efforts target and appeal to right wing Americans and their narrow views.
It appeals to the easily-led audience by writing to reader emotions, and divisiveness.
Certain other right-leaning FB pages pick up their staffs' stories regularly, including The Tea Party, Positively Republican!, Young Cons, and a lengthy list of lower level readership pages.
Liftable's pages have become widely read-- sometimes with more than 1m claimed daily page views.
Readers will notice that most all stories are pro-Trump and critical of impeachment, Democrats, Clintons, and Obamas. If you also watch more mainstream media, you'll see this propaganda organization ignores Trump's misadventures and lies. Other stories pepper the pages with occasional feel-good stories about puppies, police heros and others of European descent.
What defines Liftable is mostly one-sided stories but it noticeably omits unfavorable news about Trump or Republicans.Liftable's major publications
- Western Journal(ism) FB👎
- Western Journal(ism) - YouTube
- Positively Republican! FB no website
- Conservative Tribune FB👎
- USA*Radio (Trending Today Net)
- Liftable FB Heartwarming news, skews to older, more patriotic readers. This is a growth company with a recent history ofacquisitionsns and conservative media partnerships.
- Liberty Alliance Website network
- Patriot Tribune, Patriot Times USA
- Liftable's major subscribers:
- The Tea Party FB👈👎
- Conservative Byte FB
- TPNN Tea Party News Net FB
- eHeadlines FB
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