

Economics 301, a lesson in why the middle class is losing out...its all about US corporations and its executives SELLING YOU OUT.

Clinton Dept of Labor essayist Robert Reich.. MUST READ 

The Narcissist in Chief

BestLINKS US: Amazing links on Trump, Truth checking and opinion
Donald Trump entered office totally unprepared as president for the challenges of world leadership. This was nothing like any hotel executive had seen--like big time Syria, troublemaker Russia, North Korea threats, and more! Way harder than he, or his supporters expected!

Trump was impeached by the US House of Representatives in December 2019 and again, but Republicans let him off and refused to remove him from office.   He wasn't finished and orchestrated an assault on the Capitol on January 6th 2021 by his supporters.  Charges against many are pending but he shrewdly managed to block most of them by gaming the legal and political system and in 2024, managed to get himself narrowly reelected to a second term, separated from his first by losing to President Joe Biden for on therm.  Now technically a convicted felon after losing one case but suffering no punishment, he is still not gone after ten years! The last story will be told in America's news media, a too long serial yet to be written.

ZD Net Computer review:  7 things to know about the new guy on the block

 a great site to find graphics, memes, funnies,  serious, holiday and more sorted by TOPIC.

MeidasTouch   FB
excellent, well produced anti-Trump, Trendy video & content
The Lincoln Project   FB
Steve Schmidt:  The Hideous Truth of Donald Trump
An 8 Minute Warning about the loss of America's democracy at the hadns of today's Republican Party: 
MSNBC 11th Hour program video with Brian Williams, aired in 2001 

 MUST SEE VIDEO  The Case against Donald Trump:

Story Time

Teck Universe Stories of military inspiration and more.
By clicking this link
, you will find a few short stories about life, building bridges and getting inspiration.   Have some time?   Get yourself a drink, relax and read through a few.

 Go get yourself a drink, sit back and enjoy the story of Leah, an Afghanistan veteran who makes a difference.

American Politics

   Exposing right wing extremism video and more (Partnered with MeidasTouch)

      Private publisher: Diffen of Seattle
Open Secrets FB👈
Money in politics


MSNBC's Rachel Maddow Essay:
Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) broke America years ago.

His Republican "Party of NO" tactic as soon as Obama won the election was determined to make black Obama fail at every step! Obama had no idea what he was up against with GOP party professionals!

Political Opinions  

    TV Links

- Complete political and economic definitions
  like Socialism, Capitalism, Communism
 and many more from

    Political ACTIVISM

    This is an important election on November 5th... some call it ROEvember 5th.   Here is a list of well over a hundred links (News, Progressive, and Conservative web, facebook and Twitter pages wher eyou can keep up on this critical election that has our very democracy at risk.   Just read, or participate in these groups.   This is a rare and comprehensive list and if you want to help your nation, make good use of it.

    Click this link to see the 
    BOOKMARK/FAVORITES file, which you can import into your browser program or just open this bookmark file in your browser and PRESS the SMALL STAR on the address line to save it in your favorites.   It will not disturb other favorites you have already created.   You may wish to copy this link on your OWN Facebook page to share it with your activist friends.

      Woke-ism is ALL the Rage...
      but it's hard to define and it's dividing a lot of Americans. See definitions and discussions about race, gender, LBTQ and more all the time... a movement that's making people angry at each other as it promotes, even forces, politically correct diversity.

      Something is going wrong on many college campuses in the last few years. Rates of anxiety, depression, and suicide are rising. Speakers are shouted down. Students and professors say they are walking on eggshells and afraid to speak honestly. How did this happen?  A revealing book on the subject of a certain narrowmindedness has creeped into higher education, as seen by the Me Too movement, racial interests, and a fear of risk taking...that's made us preoccupied with safety above knowledge.  Project Academy.Org PDF

      Tribalism.  It's worth noting that many who study human behavior and culture note that humans tend to resist diversity because they are tribal in nature, starting with the smallest building block, the family--and the moving to larger forms of tribalism including neighborhoods, schools, industries, races and cultures, and even nationalistic loyalties.

      Is it fair to say Trump deliberately poked America and the backlash of his Trumpism have awakened and divided Americans on values many of us would rather forget?

      Insanity of Men

      Vietnam War Protests in Music
      A review of 1960s-70s boomer protest music about Vietnam

      Pop music was heavily influenced by the war which brought thousands of young baby boomers to the streets in protest of President Johnson's and Nixon's war in SE Asia.  These are links to the pop songs reflecting this unsettling time when 50,000 American soldiers died in a faraway war that turned unpopular.

      Eve of Destruction - Barry McGuire

      Most pop radio stations wouldn't play this popular song but boomers dropped quarters in bar juke boxes to hear it over and over.

      Kent State goes Pop
      Ohio- by Crosby Stills, Nash and Young is put to Vietnam war video after four students were killed by accidental fire during a protest at Kent State University in 1970.  This song became an anthem to mark the 1960s and 70s student protests against the Vietnam War---which resulted in 50,000 American dead soldiers, countless wounded, and after almost ten years, the military pulled out in 1973, handing the small Southeast Asian nation back to the Communists.


      Good Morning Vietnam
      A film stars late comedian Robin Williams portrays a deejay who performed at American Forces Vietnam Network in Siagon during the war.   These are considered Williams' best bits, many of them were Robin's unscripted improvisations that were left in the movie. 

      Animals   We Gotta Get Outta This Place
      One of the most requested songs by soldiers listening to American Forces Radio in Asia.  Along with their "Sky Pilot", and  PPM's "Leavin on a Jet Plane" and "Where Have All the Flowers Gone?" by the Kingston Trio..

      Nuclear War Checklist
      Interactive Map:  Effect of Nuclear Blast on YOUR CITY

      Military News Videos:  
      A peek at the supercarrier USS Gerald R Ford
      Newest carrier in the mideast, Hell on the seas in detail
      The Growing Chinese threat now and ahead 
      A detailed look at the present and future US Navy submarine innovations

      Killer People Machines
       -- huge Submarines

      Constitutional and Policing
      Key in any topic, like Police, Policing to

      The Holocaust.  The Holocaust was the systematic, state-sponsored persecution and murder of six million European Jews by the Nazi German regime and its allies and collaborators. The Holocaust was an evolving process that took place throughout Europe between 1933 and 1945.

      The US Holocaust Museum in Washington DC is a place to visit or learn online about the horrible genocide that shocked the world in Europe by the Nazis last century.  Here, you will find podcasts of survivors and those who witnessed the horror of World War II in what the Germans called "The Final Solution" as they tried to cleanse Europe of Jews and others.   Today's Jews across the world want you to remember and know about it so you'll agree, it an happen "NEVER AGAIN!"

      Sexism in America

      The Ugly things about our Culture

      How it Once Was
      Real racist and sexist ads helping us understand what "Make America Great Again" really is! 

      Medium dot com topics:   Pick your poisons
      PoliticalD!g   FB 
      Maybe just a little over the top!

      Ask questions by topic area and get professional answers from one or more specialists in fields like Psychology, Journalism, Economics, History, Science, Parenting, Tech, Education, Personal Issues, politics, Government, international events, and more.   If you have expertise, you may join and answer questions; the better your answers, the more questions you'll be asked!  FB  
      Want to be a Petition-Signing activist?   
      Check This site promoting social change! It's controversial!
      Page Six  NY Post

      Crash Course Series  FB
      You Tube videos on various topics

      Courses especially for young people
      The Daily Banter  FB
      A progressive site

      DC Report  FB
      Independent Insider News

      Media Critiques

      Comprehensive Media fact check site  
      list of media bias sites both sides good read
      tabloid news run amock

      Keeping the right leaning media honest
      Mr Conservative  FB  
      Right leaning and over the top

      Beware of LIFTABLE:
      Facebook's propaganda Network
      Western Journal
      More fake news that you'd believe and totally one sided. This site is what wires up right wingers!

      Gee Whiz ... I didn't know
      Maybe you should sample these pages...

      FB Video:  Why a Jet's EJECTION SEAT
       costs a million dollars!  TOPIX   FB  Off the wall news by state
      Your Genealogy & Family Ancestry

      Says they come from the Future! OZY Stay Interesting
      funny off the wall site

      Esquire   FB
      Business Insider    FB
      many articles and newsy topics
      A usually political satire site; lots of fun;
       It's been banned before for going what Twitter thinks is too far.

      Chronically Curious?  General things you never knew

      Vira Nova 
      Interesting content

      Smart Banana   FB
      (With Love from Russia)
      Mister banana is a huge Russian-based propaganda social media outlet out of Cypress that publishes fake propaganda like-- Stalin was Robin Hood and Khrushchev gave Alaska to the United States.

      And Mr banana has billions of viewers.

      Now they are proposing that the United States will not exist in the near future and other damaging propaganda about the United States.
      Also the site BL out of Korea posts fake pro Trump propaganda.

      Facebook knows this and refuses to remove these sites.
      Or to even warn people.  Google "Smart Banana" for more details on this huge social media operation slipping into America.

      Fun pages about pet care


      Conversation Starters.   Watch this Video:  
      4 Ways to Make Small Talk
      Just for Fun

      Talk to Your Kids 
       They Listen!
      SAMHSA - Teen use of Drink and Drugs

      SAMHSA Substance Abuse & Mental Health Admin, 
      -a service of the US Dept of Health and Human Services

      Fixing Relationships

      Peace and Quiet

      Mental Health Issues and Solutions. Ways for finding calm, reducing stress, better relationships, suicide prevention, and good head health

      Bill Moyers:
      10 Best Investigative Sites  

      ProPublica 2017 Pulitzer winner

       Most Trusted News Sources 
        Pew Research (Graphic)

        Reveal News
      Investigative Reporting


      Creepy/Nutty Stuff

      guff from hangovers to much more imagination

      Headlines Network
      MUST see this site! Some NSFW.

      Back to BestLINKS  Main Menu